Sunday, October 21, 2007

Biscuit Box Lap Steel Guitar

A clip to show how this Biscuit Box Lap Steel Guitar sounds. It was made in around four hours work with cheap materials bought in the local DIY shop. Only the tuners (and the strings) are specifically designed for guitars.

The purpose of this project is to insert the construction of such a simple instrument as a prelude to a workshop on how to play lap steel guitar. That way the students will build their own instrument in a few hours before learning some chords and techniques.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The book & video are for sale

So, I published the book, Acoustic Lap Steel Guitar, together with its video on I set a quite low price, I think. I'll get a profit of one euro per item sold. Soon I'll be rich. :-)

Here's the shop:

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Pub: Atelier Guitare Lap Steel Gitaar Workshop

Voici une copie de la pub que je distribue par le magasins et les écoles de musique, avec mon gsm pour me contacter si vous êtes intéresé.

Hier toegevoegd een kopie van het zoekertje dat ik hier en daar verdeel, met mijn gsm-nummer in het geval dat u geintereseerd bent.

J'ai decrit le livre et le video en question ici:
Ik heb dat boek en die video hier beschreven:

Acoustic Lap Steel Guitar, a workshop for beginners

This is the title of a pretty small book I've written about how to play Acoustic Lap Steel Guitar, a.k.a. Hawaiian guitar. It's intended for really beginners on the instrument and I plan to use it in the workshops I'm organizing in the Benelux area. It's not a thick book, just around 40 pages, but that's fair enough as an introduction to the instrument and for the lessons I give.

I'm thinking about publishing it through or some other print-on-demand service. Would you be interested? Is there such a service here in Europe? I just wonder. I would offer it as pdf and on paper for just almost nothing... but I'm still working on the idea.

Je travaille aussi à la traduction en français du livre. Dans quelques semaines il sera pret et je le ferai verifier par quelquien competent. Mon français n'est pas mon point fort, je dois admettre. :-)

Zou ik ook met een Nederlandse versie aan de slag moeten gaan? Ik denk van niet, want jullie mensen beheersen het Engels vrij goed. Zou ik moeten? Zeg maar.

Anyhow, I'll give you a hint about how the book looks like. Here you can take a look at a few snapshots: the cover, the contents and a randomly chosen page. Hope you like it!

Ah! I almost forgot it: there's a video disc together with the book, where I play all exercises and songs. It's homemade and, once again, nothing fancy, but I think it's fairly useful for the student. Here you can watch a couple of the clips included, and that I've uploaded to YouTube: one of the first lessons and one of the songs the student would be able to play at the end of the lessons.